
Archive for May, 2012

Yeah, so I believe my last post was entitled And It Emerged From The Depths…  I should have added – Then Slunk Back.

I haven’t posted in recent…months (geez has it been that long?) despite promises to myself (so easily broken – God, I’m in such an unfaithful relationship with my Id, Ego and Super-Ego (who I like to call Fred)).

Okay, so let’s get the excuses over and done with.  Why do bloggers always offer excuses for not blogging?  It’s like apologising for eating all the chocolate cake (something I often do – quietly, so the children don’t find me mwahahaha – I’m so devious).  Ah, anyway, on to my excuses before I run over my word count.


Had a baby (4.110kg/9lbs 1 ounce) which kept me nauseous and exhausted for oh, about 9 months.

Wrote an 80k manuscript whilst being nauseous, exhausted and expectant.

Became a finalist in the RWAustralia Emerald and the San Diego RWA SIRContest.

Was briefly on the run from the police in the Italian Alps in a stolen Veyron (my dream car) with a Faberge egg and a poodle named Alphonse.

Wrote a cantata while learning the harmonica in the Appalachians.

Okay, so I made those last two up.  I loathe poodles and can’t speak Italian, nor play the harmonica.

Suffice to say, I’m back and shall endeavour to be here more often around the needs of  small human people who inhabit my house (as well as the larger hairy one*) and the sequel to my manuscript which is demanding exit from brain onto computer.

I had better go train my Dragon** now, but I shan’t be too far away.  There’ll be a little some-some on my other blog if you’d care to wander over.

*This would be my husband.  I do not have a large hairy house, despite my best endeavours.

**Dragon Dictate that is ; )

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